2012-09 - Troy Pierce - Resident Advisor Top 10



Jimmy Edgar - Sex Drive (Jon Convex) [HotFlush]
Lee Curtiss Feat. Debbie Rennalds - Body Twitch [Visionquest]
From Karaoke To Stardom - A BlACk ShEEp IS Still A ShEEp [Rrygular]
STL - Inverted Reality [Smallville]
Dino Sabatini - Vision Quest [Prologue]
Recondite - DRGN [Hotflush]
Carenno Is LB - Eat The Bird [Save You]
Nyra - Configure 8 [Secretsundaze]
Andy Martin - Particles [Illegal Alien]
Nico Purman - Blow My Mind [Vakant]