
Jun 22, 2024
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Latest post:Dispatch 5

June 22, 2024

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And now for a few updates!

Firstly: if you haven't seen already, there is a new form on the home page for beta user sign-ups. Development is underway for the submission / editing / maintenance of mixes and DJ charts, and these new features will be first used by a smaller set of beta users to ensure that all systems are functioning correctly.

After this trial period, all functionality will be made public.

If you are interested in being a beta user, fill out on the form on the home page.

Finally, journalist Will Pritchard has written a nice piece for Crack Magazine entitled Collective archives, human curation, and what we really lose when we lose MixesDB. Will interviewed me over the phone a couple of weeks ago and we had a nice discussion about the internet, archives, and music. Some of my quotes are in the article.

That's all for today. Stay cool.

Regards, - B