Dispatch 1

June 6, 2024
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It's a warm, humid day here in the Control Room of MixesDB 2 located somewhere along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. The new site is humming along merrily on four Virtual Machines, each with 1gb of RAM.

24 hours ago I launched MixesDB 2, the spiritual successor to MixesDB. The original site is one of the truly great resources that we have for music documentation and organization. There are, to date, approx. 290,000 mixes archived that collectively record over 4 million songs being played from 1938 to 2024.

The initial import of data to MixesDB 2 includes all mixes, tracks, and categories from the original MixesDB. In the coming weeks and months I will be adding additional data imports (charts, images, leaderboards from the old site) as well as the user-oriented functionality (submitting and editing mixes, etc.).

For now, I will say THANK YOU to the original developers and users of the original MixesDB. Your hard work will continue to stay alive on the internet, and we are all indebted to you for sharing your musical knowledge with the world.

All communication for the site can be sent to:

info [@] mixesdb2.com

Regards, - B